Hello amigurumi lovers and beautiful visitors, I wanted to share the free amigurumi patterns for you here. In my article I will share 1 pattern and how to make it for you. At the end of my article, I will share amigurumi patterns that can generate ideas for you.
Tools and materials:
1. Yarn Art Jeans pink ( 18 ) and white ( 62 ) colors, Alize Cotton Gold red ( 243 ) colors;
2. Hook № 2;
3. Chollofiber Filler;
4. Eyes with a diameter of 10 mm ( in the author of the half-bus );
5. Plastic buttons for attaching legs and decor;
6. Black sewing thread for muzzle design;
7. Glue or adhesive gun;
8. Thick needle for stitching parts;
9. Scissors;
10. Dry pastel for toning.
k.a. – amigurumi ring;
v.p. – air loop;
v.p.p. – air boom;
ss – connection column;
Satn – column without caption;
sn – cloak column;
pr – increase ( two columns in 1 loop );
ub – decrease ( two loops together );
zpp – rear half-belt;
Ppp – front half-belt.
The toy appears in continuous spiral rows. Do not end the row with a connecting column and do not turn the work if this is not
indicated. At the beginning of the row, use a marker or thread of a different color, which will help mark the first loop of each new row.
Legs ( 2 details )
We start working with a white thread, fill it as knitting.
Dial 5 w.p. + 1 v.p.p.
1 row: in the 2nd loop from the hook 4 Sat, 3 Sat in 1 loop, 3 Sat, pr ( 12 );
2nd row: pr, 3 Satn, 3 pr, 3 Sat, 2 pr ( 18 );
3 row: 1 Satn, pr, 3 Satn, ( 1 Sat, pr ) * 3, 3 Satn, ( 1 Sat, pr ) * 2 ( 24 );
4-5 row: 24 Sat;
6 row: 2 Satn, UB, ( 1 Sat, UB ) * 5, 5 Sat ( 18 );
7 row: 5 Sat, 3 UB, 7 Sat ( 15 );
Change the thread to pink.
8 row: knit for zpp 4 Satn, 3 UB, 5 Satn ( 12 );
9-15 row: 12 Sat;
16 row: 6 UB ( 6 ).
We pull the hole, hide the thread inside the part.
We connect the white thread to the first free 8th row semi-petula and knit the top of the sock.
1st row: knit for pp 1 vpp, 15 Satn, ss;
2nd row: ( 1 east, ss ) * 15.
We fix the thread, crop, hide the tip.
Pens ( 2 details )
We knit with a pink thread, fill up to the 12th row.
1 row: 6 Sat in k.a.;
2nd row: ( 2 Sat, pr ) * 2 ( 8 );
3-13 row: 8 Sat;
14 row: ( 2 Sat, UB ) * 2 ( 6 ).
We lay down the part and connect the edges, tying 3 Sat. We fix the thread, hide inside the part.
We start working with a pink thread, fill it as knitting.
1 row: 6 Sat in k.a.;
2nd row: 6 pr ( 12 );
3 row: ( 1 Sat, pr ) * 6 ( 18 );
4 row: 1 Sat, pr, ( 2 Sat, pr ) * 5, 1 Sat ( 24 );
5 row: ( 3 Sat, pr ) * 6 ( 30 );
6 row: 2 Satn, pr, ( 4 Sat, pr ) * 5, 2 Sat ( 36 );
7 row: ( 5 Sat, pr ) * 6 ( 42 );
8 row: 42 Sat;
Change the thread to red.
9-13 row: 42 Sat;
14 row: ( 5 Satn, Ub ) * 5 ( 36 );
15 row: 36 Sat;
16 row: 2 Satn, UB, ( 4 Sat, UB ) * 5, 2 Satn ( 30 );
17 row: 30 Sat;
18 row: ( 3 Sat, UB ) * 5 ( 24 );
19th row: 24th Sat;
20 row: 1 Sat, UB, ( 2 Sat, UB ) * 5, 1 Sat ( 18 );
21 row: 5 Sat, we knit the first handle, tying 3 Sat for loops of the handle and torso together, 6 Sat, tie the second handle, tying 3 Satn for loops of the handle and torso together, 1 Sat ( 18 );
22nd row: 18 Sat.
Cut the thread, leaving a long end for sewing the head.
We knit with a pink thread, fill as knitting.
1 row: 6 Sat in k.a.;
2nd row: 6 pr ( 12 );
3 row: ( 1 Sat, pr ) * 6 ( 18 );
4 row: 1 Sat, pr, ( 2 Sat, pr ) * 5, 1 Sat ( 24 );
5 row: ( 3 Sat, pr ) * 6 ( 30 );
6 row: 2 Satn, pr, ( 4 Sat, pr ) * 5, 2 Sat ( 36 );
7 row: ( 5 Sat, pr ) * 6 ( 42 );
8-10 row: 42 Sat;
11 row: 3 Sat, pr, ( 6 Sat, pr ) * 5, 3 Sat ( 48 );
12 row: ( 7 Sat, pr ) * 6 ( 54 );
13-17 row: 54 Sat;
18 row: ( 7 Sat, UB ) * 6 ( 48 );
19th row: 3 Sat, UB, ( 6 Satn, UB ) * 5, 3 Sat ( 42 );
20 row: ( 5 Sat, UB ) * 6 ( 36 );
21 row: 2 Satn, UB, ( 4 Sat, UB ) * 5, 2 Satn ( 30 );
22nd row: ( 3 Sat, UB ) * 6 ( 24 );
23 row: 1 Satn, Ub, ( 2 Satn, UB ) * 5, 1 Satn ( 18 );
24 row: ( 1 Sat, UB ) * 6 ( 12 );
25 row: 6 UB ( 6 ).
We pull the hole, hide the thread inside the part.
If you use safe eyes, paste them between 12 and 13 at a distance of 6 Sat.
Ear ( 2 details )
We knit pink, do not fill.
1 row: 6 Sat in k.a.;
2nd row: 6 Sat;
3 row: ( 1 Sat, pr ) * 3 ( 9 );
4 row: 9 Sat;
5 row: 1 Sat, pr, ( 2 Sat, pr ) * 2, 1 Sat ( 12 );
6 row: ( 3 Sat, pr ) * 3 ( 15 );
7-9 row: 15 Sat;
10 row: ( 3 Sat, UB ) * 3 ( 12 ).
We lay down the part and connect the edges, tying 6 Sat. Re-folding the part and once again connecting the edges, tying 3 Sat. Cut the thread, leaving a long end for sewing.
We knit pink.
1 row: 6 Sat in k.a.;
2nd row: 6 pr ( 12 );
3rd row: 3 ppm, 3 Sat, 3 ppm ( 18 );
4 row: knit for the ppp 18 Satn;
5 row: knit for free 4th row of 18 Sat.
Cut the thread, leaving a long end for sewing.
We knit pink.
We attach the thread to the body at the level of the 8th or 9th row in the center ( I fastened at the place of change of the pink thread to red ), type 5 percentage points + 1 percentage point.
1 row: in the 2nd loop from the hook 5 pr, ss in the last loop.
The end of the thread is hiding inside the body.
We knit a white thread. We collect 80 percentage points + 2 percentage points.
1 row: 80 sn, starting with the 3rd loop from the hook.
We fix the thread, crop, hide the tip. We decorate the edges of the scarf with a fringe.
Assembly and decoration
Sew a patch to the head between 12 and 18 next, fill the part as you sew.
We make a retraction for the peephole near the patch at the level of 12-13 rows.
We stick eyes.
We embroider whites of the eyes with a white thread.
We embroider eyelids, eyebrows, nostrils with a black thread.
Sew ears at the level of the 8th row.
Tonic ears and cheeks with dry pastel.
Sew your head to the body.
Sew 2 plastic buttons to the body.
Fasten the legs to the body ( between 7 and 8 next ) using the button mount.
Tie the scarf.
Feel free to tag me (@freeamigurumii) in your photos on Instagram or Facebook if you’d like!
All Finished.