Hello amigurumi lovers and beautiful visitors, I wanted to share the free amigurumi patterns for you here. In my article I will share 1 pattern and how to make it for you. At the end of my article, I will share amigurumi patterns that can generate ideas for you.
You will need:
- needle with a large ear and blunt end ( 2.5 mm );
- orange yarn;
- yellow yarn;
- green yarn;
- brown yarn;
- blue yarn;
- fibrous filler;
- black and white felt.
KR = Circular
SBN = pillar without cape
connection Art. = connecting column
vp = air loop
rotary vp = rotary air loop
ubav. = decrease
( Green, yellow or orange yarn )
KR 1: 6 SBN in Amigurumi Ring ( 6 )
KR 2: 2 SBN in each SBN ( 12 )
KR 3: 2 SBN in every second SBN ( 18 )
KR 4: 2 SBN in every third SBN ( 24 )
KR 5: 2 SBN in every fourth SBN ( 30 )
KR 6: 2 SBN in every fifth SBN ( 36 )
KR 7: 2 SBN in every sixth SBN ( 42 )
KR 8: 2 SBN in every seventh SBN ( 48 )
KR 9-18: 48 SBN ( 48 )
KR 19: decrease over each seventh and eighth SBN ( 42 )
KR 20: decrease over each sixth and seventh SBN ( 36 )
KR 21: decrease over each fifth and sixth SBN ( 30 )
KR 22: decrease over each fourth and fifth SBN ( 22 )
KR 23: decrease over each third and fourth SBN ( 18 )
Stuff your head. Close the last loop of the sockets. Art. and leave the ponytail to sew the head to the body.
( Green, yellow or orange yarn )
KR 1: 6 SBN in Amigurumi Ring ( 6 )
KR 2: 2 SBN in each SBN ( 12 )
KR 3: 2 SBN in every second SBN ( 18 )
KR 4: 2 SBN in every third SBN ( 24 )
KR 5: 2 SBN in every fourth SBN ( 30 )
KR 6: 2 SBN in every fifth SBN ( 36 )
KR 7: 2 SBN in every sixth SBN ( 42 )
KR 8-17: 42 SBN ( 42 )
KR 18: decrease over the third and fourth, seventh and eighth, eleventh and twelfth, thirty-third and thirty-fourth, thirty-seventh and thirty-eighth, forty-first and forty-second SBN ( 36 )
KR 19: 36 SBN ( 36 )
KR 20: decrease over the third and fourth, seventh and eighth, eleventh and twelfth, twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth, thirty-first and thirty-third, thirty-fifth and thirty-sixth SBN ( 30 )
KR 21: 30 SBN ( 30 )
KR 20: decrease over the third and fourth, seventh and eighth, eleventh and twelfth, twenty-first and twenty-second, twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth, twenty-ninth and thirtieth SBN ( 24 )
KR 23: 24 SBN ( 24 )
KR 24: decrease over the second and third, fifth and sixth, eighth and ninth, seventeenth and eighteenth, twentieth and twenty-first, twenty-third and twenty-fourth SBN ( 18 )
KR 25: 18 SBN ( 18 )
Stuff your hands and continue to fill to the last row.
KR 26: decrease over the first and second, third and fourth, fifth and sixth, thirteenth and fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth SBN ( 12 )
KR 27: 12 SBN ( 12 )
KR 28: decrease over every two SBN ( 6 )
Close the last loop of the sockets. Art. and close the hole in the body.
( Yellow or orange yarn )
KR 1: 6 SBN in Amigurumi Ring ( 6 )
KR 2: 2 SBN in each SBN ( 12 )
KR 3: 2 SBN in the first, second, third, seventh, eighth, ninth SBN ( 18 )
KR 4-7: 18 SBN ( 18 )
Stuff the beak. Close the last loop of the sockets. Art. and leave the ponytail for sewing the beak to the head.
Paws ( 2 pcs )
( Yellow or orange yarn )
KR 1: 6 SBN in Amigurumi Ring ( 6 )
KR 2: 2 SBN in each SBN ( 12 )
KR 3: 2 SBN in the first, second, third, seventh, eighth, ninth SBN ( 18 )
KR 4-5: 18 SBN ( 18 )
KR 6: decrease over the second and third, fifth and sixth, eighth and ninth SBN, 2 SBN in the twelfth, fifteenth and eighteenth SBN ( 18
KR 7: 18 SBN ( 18 )
KR 8: decrease over each second and third SBN ( 12 )
Stuff your paws and continue to fill to the last row.
KR 9: decrease over each third and fourth SBN ( 9 )
KR 10: 9 SBN ( 9 )
Close the last loop of the sockets. Art. and leave the ponytail for sewing your paws to your body.
Wings ( 2 pcs. )
( Brown, green or blue yarn )
KR 1: 6 SBN in Amigurumi Ring ( 6 )
KR 2: 2 SBN in each SBN ( 12 )
KR 3: 2 SBN in the first, second, third, seventh, eighth, ninth SBN ( 18 )
KR 4: 2 SBN in the second, fourth, sixth, eleventh, thirteenth, fifteenth SBN ( 24 )
KR 5: 2 SBN in the third, sixth, ninth, fifteenth, eighteenth, twenty-first SBN ( 30 )
KR 6: 2 SBN in the fourth, eighth, twelfth, nineteenth, twenty-third, twenty-seventh SBN ( 36 )
Close the last loop of the sockets. Art. and leave the ponytail for sewing wings to the body.
( Orange, blue or green yarn )
Row 1: 30 vp + 1 rotary vp ( 30 )
Row 2: 30 SBN ( 30 )
Close the last loop, leaving enough yarn to secure the collar on the neck.
Sew your head to your body at KR 9. Make sure the flat part of the body is directed up.
Sew the beak to the head at KR level 15.
Sew your paws to your body. Sew one foot at the level of KR 11, and the other at the level of KR 18.
Sew wings to the body at the level of KR 8.
Wrap the collar around the neck and sew the ends together.
For the eyes, cut 2 circles of white felt and 2 small of black. Attach black mugs to white. Then stick your eyes to your head at the level of KR 9, leaving a gap of 12 loops between your eyes.
Feel free to tag me (@freeamigurumii) in your photos on Instagram or Facebook if you’d like!
All Finished.